What do Google, Ford, Steve Jobs, Oprah Winfrey & Ray Dalio have in common?

They’re just a few of many successful businesses advocating mindfulness for better employee productivity & health.

Implementing Mindfulness in the Workplace Training

Mindfulness & Chair Yoga for better focus, productivity & health

According to a study performed by SECO (Secrétariat d’Etat à l’économie/State Secretariat for Economic Affairs) in 2010, 34.4 % of employees often suffer from stress. In the western world, we estimate that 80% of all health consultations are stress-related, and the leading causes of recurring pain are headaches, back pain and neck pain. Scientific research now shows the positive impact that Mindfulness has on stress, pain and our immune system. Practicing Mindfulness has also shown to positively alter the structure and neural patterns in the brain increasing the density of grey matter in regions linked to learning, memory, emotion regulation, empathy & concentration, and decreasing brain areas associated with frustration, impulsivity and negative emotions.

Studies have also shown the following factors as being specific results of meditation within the corporate world:

  • Reducing costs related to employee absences due to illness, accidents & stress
  • Improvement in productivity, general well-being of employees and company as a whole
  • Improving cognitive functions i.e. concentration, learning capacities, & creativity
  • Reducing the turn-over rate of staff & related costs
  • Improving employer/employee relationships & customer relationships
  • Improving the work satisfaction of employees
  • Positioning the company as responsible, concrete and visible

Training programs can be tailored to your particular needs. For example:

Participants must attend both training sessions to receive a certificate of completion.

B.B.B Mindfulness Training Program for the Workplace


Day 1:

  • What is Mindfulness & why should I do it?
  • Mindfulness techniques for increasing focus, calm & overall health
  • Easy mindful body stretches to ease daily muscle tensions & pain
  • 1½ hours


Day 2:

  • 2 – 4 weeks after 1st seminar
  • Follow up discussion on difficulties and progress
  • Guided Mindfulness session
  • Further Mindfulness methods to apply daily
  • 60 mins


The price is based on the number of participants attending the training programme. This includes: – 2 training sessions (total 2½ hours) – Support material to keep & all necessary equipment – Certificate of completion on the 2nd day. What you must provide: – Space & chairs for all participants – The set up for a power point presentation – CHF75 per participant

charlie meditating by lake

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