meditation mantras

My students often ask me what my favourite mantras for meditation are.  I don’t have one in particular and tend to rotate between the following seven depending on my mood and situation.  In this article I share with you my seven favourite meditation mantras that have resonated with me, and help me in my day-to-day, each carrying its own spiritual significance. From the transformative “Om Mani Padme Hum” to the protective “Ram” and the healing “Rudra or Triambhakam,” I share how these sacred syllables have guided me toward greater peace, strength and balance. One of the mantras is even said to make you more sexually attractive to others!

Watch my video to hear about my personal journey with each of these mantras for meditation, how to pronounce them properly, and my favourite recordings of them.


The first mantra for meditation I learnt and resonated with me deeply is Om Mani Padme Hum.  I heard this in a Buddhist temple about 25 years ago and when you repeat this mantra in meditation it is said to change your impure speech, actions, and thoughts, into the pure speech, actions, and thoughts of the Buddha.  The less traditional pronunciation of it is Om Mani Peme Hung from the Tibetan Buddhist tradition.  Chanting this meditation mantra can be a profoundly moving experience, one that nurtures peace and fosters a sense of unity with the Buddhist principles of compassion and wisdom.  of my favourite 108 repetition recordings of this mantra is by Svetlana Preeti on the Insight Timer app.

Click the link to read a more detailed analysis of the meditation mantra ‘Om Mani Padme Hum’.


The second meditation mantra I is Om Gum Ganapatayei Namaha, which was the first mantra I was taught from the yogic tradition at my first 200 hour yoga teacher training course in 2009.  This mantra is in honour of Lord Ganesha the elephant deity in India, and people repeat the Ganesha mantras for removing mental and spiritual obstacles that are in their way.  So, when repeated a minimum of 108 times it is said that it will clear the path in front of you of any queries, questions, doubts, fears, making the path clearer and easier to tread.  Therefore it is one of the mantras for meditation used in times of new beginnings or endeavors. There are many beautiful recordings of this mantra but my favourite to use for meditation with my students is Deva Premal’s version from her album Mantras for Precarious Times.


As a short meditation mantra, the one I resonate the most with is ‘Ram; which is in honour of the deity Lord Ram, the symbol of courage, valour and victory over evil forces.  Meditating on the word Ram is said to induce strength in times of difficulty, bravery, and the ability to walk towards fear and triumph.  ‘Ram’ is more than just a mantra; it is a declaration of our inner resilience and an affirmation of our ability to overcome. It encourages us to stand firm in the face of fear, to act with integrity, and to persevere with unwavering faith.

The vibration of ‘Ram’ connects with the warrior spirit in us, directing us towards victory. Incorporating ‘Ram’ as one of your mantras for meditation, imbues us with a sense of purpose and determination. My favourite 108 repetitions of the mantra Ram is by Carrie Grossman also on Insight Timer.


Another of my favourites mantras for meditation is the Kamadeva mantra which is associated with enhancing your sex appeal and sensuality when repeated.  However, that isn’t why it is one of my meditation mantras, and I only recently learned of its supposed effects.  I instantly resonated with the vibration and rhythm of this mantra when I first heard it, and to me it is a reminder that the true essence of attractiveness doesn’t lie in external appearances, but in our actions and words.  My favourite recording of it is by Ketan Patwardhan in the album Mantra Chanting 108 Times.  The words are ‘Om Kamadevaya Vidmahe, Pushpabaanaay Dheemahi, Tanno Ananga Prachodayat’.


My next favourite is known as the Rudra or Tryambakam mantra, which is derived from the oldest text of the Yogic tradition, known as the Rig Veda.  The mantra is ‘Om Tryambakam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pushti-Vardhanam Urvarukamiva Bandhanan Mrityor Mukshiya Maamritat’. Its profound meaning, invoking protection, health, and immortality, has brought me solace and strength in times of ill health or medical interventions.

I use this meditation mantra when I’m sick or in hospital, as it is said to ward off fear and bring strength and calm, which for me it truly does. This mantra is a testament to the healing power of sound, demonstrating how ancient wisdom can provide comfort and resilience in modern times.  It serves as a reminder of the impermanence of physical suffering and our body, encouraging us to view our challenges with strength and resilience.

My favourite recording of this mantra is by Sahil Jagtiani under the name Mahamrityunjaya Mantra.


Of all the mantras for meditation, probably the most well-known and revered in India, is the Gayatri mantra. It is a mantra of love and enlightenment in honour of the Sun God Savitur and is considered one of the most powerful meditation mantra from the Rig Veda. Its words are a prayer for enlightenment, invoking the radiant energy of the sun to illuminate our minds and guide us on the path of wisdom and compassion. The mantra is ‘Om Bhur Bhuvah Swah Tat Savitur Varehyam Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi Dhiyo Yonah Prachodayat’.  Chanting the Gayatri Mantra is an uplifting experience, one that elevates the spirit and fills the heart with joy and gratitude. It is a call to live in harmony with the natural world, embrace the light of knowledge, and foster a sense of unity with the universe.


As far as mantras for meditation go, this last one is much more recent, emerging form the Kundalini yoga tradition of the last century.  The mantra is ‘Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Say So Hung’ bringing you the energy of the sun, moon, earth, and infinite universal spirit for deep healing.  Repeating this meditation mantra guides us through the process of inner healing, encouraging us to release past hurts and embrace the present moment with an open heart. It is especially powerful if repeated im the morning as it heals us with the vitality of the sun, the calmness of the moon, and the strength and universe.


Our journey through using meditation mantras is a deeply personal one.  As we explore and resonate with different mantras, we tap into ancient wisdom as well as ourselves.  All the above are good mantras for meditation, but there are many others that you can investigate and see if you resonate with.  There is no need to limit yourself to one mantra, and if you are not keen on using one of the traditional Sanskrit mantras then you can create your own personal mantra, or affirmation, to repeat.

Follow IndivYoga on Facebook, YouTube or Instagram @indiv_yoga for more inspiration and guidance.  If you are interested in a deeper exploration of yoga or meditation then you may be interested in our Yoga Alliance 200 hr Yoga Teacher Training course.  For those who are already yoga teachers, delve deeper into your own exploration of meditation and how to teach it to others on our Yoga Alliance 30 hr Foundations of Teaching Meditation and Mindfulness course.


Pronunciation And Meaning of The Mantras

  • Om Mani Padme Hum: Pronounced as “Ohm-Mah-nee-Pahd-may-Hoom,” this mantra from the Buddhist tradition symbolizes the transformation of the mundane into the divine, encouraging purity and enlightenment.
  • Om Gan Ganapataye Namaha: “Ohm Guhn Guh-nuh-puh-tie-yay Nah-muh-huh” honors Ganesha, the remover of obstacles, and is chanted for clarity and the removal of barriers in our path.
  • Ram: A simple yet powerful mantra, “Rahm” invokes the strength and courage of Lord Ram, offering protection and empowerment.
  • Kamadeva Mantra: Pronounced as “Ohm Kah-mah-dev-ah-ya Vid-mah-he, Push-pah-bah-nah-ya Dhee-mah-hee, Tan-no An-ang-gah Pra-cho-dah-yat”, the mantra calls upon the divine energy of love and attraction, enhancing inner beauty and charm.
  • Rudra or Tryambakam: “Ohm Tree-yum-buh-kum Yah-juh-muh-hay Soo-guhn-dheem Poosh-tee Var-dhuh-nuhm Oor-vuh-roo-kum-ee-vuh Bun-dhuh-nuhn Mrih-tyor Mook-shi-yuh Maam-rih-tuht” is a healing mantra from the Rig Veda, seeking health, longevity, and spiritual immortality.
  • Gayatri Mantra: “Ohm Bhoor Bhoo-vah-huh Swah Tutt Suh-vee-toor Vuh-ren-yum Bhahr-goh Day-vuh-syuh Dhee-muh-hee Dhee-yoh Yoh-nah Prah-choh-dah-yat” is a hymn to the sun god Savitur, embodying enlightenment and divine grace.
  • Rama Dasa: Pronounced as “Rah-mah Dah-sah, Sah Say So Hung” invokes the healing energies of the sun, moon, and the universe, promoting balance and well-being.
charlie meditating by lake

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