Making easy DIY festive decorations as a mindful activity
Switch off the T.V and put down the electronic devices! These cheap and easy homemade decoration ideas can be quiet mindful exercises for your child to focus on, or bonding time if you want to join in! Have fun making some Christmas decorations this season, but make sure they’re being done with intention and love! Avoid a time with a lot of distractions, except perhaps nice background music, or of course connected conversation between those doing the activities. AND these ideas can also be modified for different celebrations throughout the year! Enjoy 🙂
Tree Decorations :
There are many different ways of decorating trees from painting your own glass balls, stitching felt into different shapes, to tying ribbons to the branches. But 2 tried and tested favourites from my kids yoga classes are fimo and plain wood shapes you can draw on. With oven baked fimo I would advise making flat stars, hearts, circles etc as they are lighter to hang and easier to put a hole through for the string! On top the flat base (I made a ‘glow in the dark’ heart base in the photo shown, which looks beautiful at night and kids find extra fun) you can use other colours to decorate it with shapes, initials, words etc. Simple wood shapes that can be coloured with pens are also another way of having personalised decorations around the house.
Paper chains are a cheap and easy way of making a bigger impact with your decorations. And they can keep kids concentrating and quiet for ages! Buy at least 2 large sheets of each colour of cardboard you’d like to use. Cut 3 – 5cm strips out of the cardboard and then test the size of ring you will want to see whether you cut each strip into 2 or 3. You will need child friendly glue and a glue friendly surface! Demonstrate that you should take 3 DEEP BREATHS while pressing the paper for the glue to set, before moving on to the next strip.
Stickers on windows or walls can be done too quickly to be a mindful activity, so try to make the placement of the sickers the main focus of the process. They are however easier to get rid of by peeling, than the next option! Snow spray can give a beautiful effect during the festive season, especially if you cut out your own stencils and it’s done with time and focus. To make removal easier try to wipe the window clean with alcohol or vinegar after 3-4 weeks.
Mindful counter tops & window sills:
Waterless snow (or glitter) globes are a great home made decoration for any age! Simply buy plastic decorations that fit inside your upside jar, once glued on to the lid! When the glue is completely dry and the object is secure, pour 1cm of fake snow or glitter into the bottom of the jar. Twist the lid securely back on the jar and then turn upside down! When you shake it, remind children that the snow/glitter represent our busy thinking brains. The idea is to let the ‘snow’ settle to the bottom and be still, just as we try to relax, focus and still our minds.
Around the house:
Sticking balls to lamps, mirrors and frames is an easy way to decorate a space. However to make it mindful, the person needs to take some time and concentration as to where the decorations are going to be placed, and in placing them there. There needs to be focus and intent and make sure it’s not rushed through. However it can be fun too! Put some music on, tell some jokes,talk to one another. BUT make sure that you’re focused and present on the task at hand, and the people you’re with!