The BEST Paleo Chocolate Brownies Recipe – easy.healthy.yummy


Easy, healthy & yummy gluten & dairy free chocolate browniesBEST Paleo Chocolate Brownies Recipe

Due to popular demand I’m sharing my amazing gluten and dairy free, paleo choc chip brownie recipe!  All ingredients used were organic but I’m sure it will still work otherwise… They are perfectly gooey in the middle, lightly crusty on the outside, and simply delicious!

BEST Paleo Chocolate Brownies RecipeINGREDIENTS

3 Eggs beaten

2 tbs Poppy Seeds

1 ts Baking Powder

100 gr (paleo friendly) Dark Chocolate Chips

BEST Paleo Chocolate Brownies Recipe100 gr Walnuts crushed (I use a pestle and mortar)

2 tbs Honey

5 tbs Pure Almond Butter

1 tbs Pure Cocoa Powder

BEST Paleo Chocolate Brownies Recipe


Set the oven at 190°C. Beat the eggs in a large bowl and then add the ingredients above in order. Once they’re all in, use a wooden spoon to mix very well until evenly consistent.

Line a (approx) 20cm X 26cm tin with non-bleached parchment/baking paper, and pour the mixture in.

A happy, brownie eating, yogini
A happy, brownie eating, yogini

Bake on the middle shelf for 25-30 minutes until the top has gone golden and a toothpick comes out clean.  Allow to cool in the tin for 10 minutes before carefully lifting the baking paper and placing the brownie on a flat surface.  Wait a further 10 minutes for it to set a little further before cutting into square.  Store in a (non-toxic) tupperware, if they even last that long;-)

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