Infertility and Stress: Why Yoga is Being Prescribed by Doctors

Why Yoga is being prescribed for infertility and stress

A decrease in fertility occurs naturally with age for women, and can also be caused by other factors i.e. congenital abnormalities, compromised immune system, pelvic scarring from infections, endometriosis and stress.  A recent study in America has shown that 25% of couples unable to get pregnant, have more than one factor contributing to the infertility.  Male infertility has been linked predominantly to an unhealthy lifestyle (drinking, smoking or lack of activity), exposure to pesticides, and the pressure from a bicycle seat in regular cyclists.


And as a result of the rise of infertility, conventional medicine has made great strides in drugs to induce ovulation, in vitro fertilization, artificial insemination and surgery to correct anatomical problems in men and women.  However, studies have now shown that the use of assisted reproductive technology can have very negative effects, on top of the enormous dent it can put in your wallet.  A study by the New England Journal of Medicine showed that there is a higher chance of birth defects in babies conceived using high tech interventions, including IVF and ICSI sperm injections.  Chromosomal and musculoskeletal defects effect 4.2% of babies conceived naturally, compared to 9% of those Imageassisted by reproductive technology.  Studies have also shown the significant effect stress has on getting pregnant. This is why a natural approach to infertility including yoga, should be tried first.

Dr Alice Domar’s research, at the Dr Herbert Benson’s Mind/Body Medical Institute, showed a success rate in 44% of women, with 3 years of infertility, who attended the MBMI 10 week program centered on yoga and meditation.  Dr Domar not only showed an increase in women getting pregnant through the program, but that there was a higher chance of success without the use of reproductive technologies.  Her studies also showed a higher chance of pregnancy in women that are not suffering from depression (60% compared to 24%, with only low levels of depression).


When stressed, you body physiologically sends energy to the heart, lungs and muscles NOT the reproductive organs.  Mental stress manifests in the body and there is a decrease in blood flow to the pelvic region and a lowering of the sympathetic nervous system, which controls the reproductive organs.  Stress also elevates the hormone Cortisol (which can interfere with fertility), can stop menstruation and is more likely to cause a miscarriage.  Yoga is stress reducing, and a regular practice of the right poses can even prove beneficial for fertility.

Whatever the cause of infertility, yoga has shown to be an extremely effective stress reduction measure.  And for those using assisted conception technology, yoga can help the chances of success, by reducing the anxiety and stress during the process.


Yoga brings awareness to your pelvic region and through breath and muscle work, increases blood flow to the reproductive organs.  Taking awareness of, and cultivating, the hold and release of your pelvic muscles, teaches you to relax the area fully, allowing for more oxygenated blood to that part of the body.

A yoga practice for infertility problems should be done in a relaxing environment with poses to build calm, confidence and control (mental and physical).  The yoga practice should be gentle with half of the session spent on relaxation techniques, breath work, methods to reduce stress or mindful meditation.  The latter, and meditation in general, have been shown to increase overall health, calm and resilience.

A good yoga practice also teaches you to acknowledge the realities in life and accept what you can’t control.  You can do everything possible to try to get pregnant but you must let go of the control of the outcome.  Yoga teaches you personal independent strength, from the inside out, which is not dependent on anything or anyone else.  It teaches us to find happiness in ourselves and let go of what we cannot ultimately control.


    • Sleep is important for overall health and hormone balance and relaxation/meditation methods can increase the quality of your body’s rest.
    • Try to eat organic produce or at least reduce your exposure to pesticide heavy foods.
    • Talk to your doctor about lowering any regular medication in case they are interfering with your reproductive organs or hormones.
    • Avoid tobacco, alcohol, caffeine, douching, tight clothing and high heels (which tighten the pelvis).
    • Avoid homeopathic herbs (Echinacea, St John’s Wort and Ginkgo Biloba are thought to hinder fertility in men and women) and instead try Chinese herbs and acupuncture, which have proven effective.
    • Avoid any exercise, including vigorous yoga, that can make you underweight, as maintaining a healthy weight is fundamental to getting pregnant.
    • Avoid inversion poses like the headstand of handstand that put more weight and pressure on the pelvis and internally rotate thighs, tightening the pelvic cavity.
    • News cuttingDo exercises that bring awareness to your breath and to your pelvic region (cat/cow, pelvic tilts, squats and mula bandha).
    • Sit comfortably and use cushions if necessary to relieve tension from your lower body and allow for better blood flow.
    • Lastly, a recent study has shown that doing 45 mins of yoga a week, for 6 weeks, reduces anxiety by 20%,  and if it’s in The Mirror newspaper then you know it’s true 😉

Charlie's signature xx



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Picture of Charlie Stewart-Brown

Charlie Stewart-Brown

Charlie began practicing yoga and meditation over 27 years ago as a recommendation for her severe anxiety, and has been teaching for over 15 years to people of all ages and abilities. With over 1300 hrs of training and 22,500 hrs of teaching, she is also the lead trainer on the Indiv Yoga 200 hrs Teacher Training, 30 hr Meditation Teacher Training & RCYT Kids Yoga Teacher Training Courses, having certified over 400 students worldwide.  She is the voice of the ‘Yoga and Mindfulness Program’ on British Airways long-haul flights, has spoken at many seminars and corporate workshops, and runs exclusive yoga and meditation retreats during the year.

Originally from London and having worked in New York and Lisbon after her Psychology degree, she has since settled  in Switzerland with her husband, and dedicated her life to expanding her knowledge of the science of yoga, mindful meditation and better physical and mental health.

Over the years Charlie has trained with some of the most renowned yoga teachers around the world (David Swenson, Shiva Rea, Anne-Marie Newland, Leslie Kaminoff, Sadie Nardini, Sonia Sumar etc) certifying in Hatha, Sivanada, Ashtanga, Childrens and Family Yoga, Yoga for the Special Child, & Inner Engineering with Sadhguru. She has become highly respected for her successful work in yoga therapy, especially for Autism, ADHD and other behavioural and developmental syndromes. She has also talked at some of the biggest corporations in Switzerland and the annual SGIS (Swiss Group of International Schools) Conference on implementing Mindfulness in the work place and the education system.

Charlie holds the highest yoga qualifications as an ERYT500 (Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher), RCYT (Registered Children´s Yoga Teacher), RPYT (Registered Prenatal Yoga Teacher) and YCEP (Yoga Continued Education Provider) with the Yoga Alliance, and has developed Indiv Yoga™ to bring a more physiological, therapeutic and individual approach to yoga. Indiv Yoga™ Switzerland is a RYS (registered yoga school) and RCYS (registered children’s yoga school) providing Yoga Alliance teacher training certifications of the highest professional standards.

The focus of Indiv Yoga™ is to provide the benefits of yoga and meditation to every type of individual, using its teachings to achieve physical and mental balance, and diminish the anxieties of modern life for adults and children.

Read her online testimonials and qualifications for a feel of her knowledgeable and friendly professionalism.

charlie meditating by lake

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